Extremely Powerful
As people, we have a tendency to make things complicated. We may start with a simple plan or idea, but as we develop and build it, we can get hung up on details. While the little things matter, it can be beneficial to go back to where we started to make sure we haven’t lost sight of the main thing. During the next several weeks we will be doing just that. We’re going to look at what is essential to what we believe, and see how it impacts your life.
Exclusively God
Who is God? That is a big question! After all, how can we as people accurately describe the Lord, God who exists outside of time and the constructs of human thinking? At the same time, part of why he deserves our respect is the reality he is bigger than life itself. This week, as we look continue to look at things essential to what we believe, we’re going to be talking about God. We’re going to look at what we believe about God, and see how it impacts your life.
Experiencing The Best Life
As people, we have a tendency to make things more complicated than they need to be. Do we miss out on the best life has to offer because we have been distracted from the best things by something that isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s not the best? If this truly is the best life, what are we doing to let others know how they can experience it too? This weekend we’re going to talk about how we can all experience the “best life” and ensure those around us know about it, too.