A Passion For Things That Matter
Inside each and every one of us there is a desire for purpose. Most of us want to do something that is for a greater good, something that matters. Once we see what matters, what will we do? Are we simply going to accept it, or will we do something about it? How does one live with purpose? We’re going to start to map the journey of identifying the purpose and acting on it during this weekend’s message looking at the life of Nehemiah.
Where Do I Start?
Most of us want to do something that matters, truly matters. This may not be something that is world altering, but at least something which will impact the life of somebody or a small group of somebodies. One of the hardest parts of doing that is knowing where to start. We’re talking about where to start this week. Hope you will join us as we continue looking at what it looks like to live a life of purpose.
What Should I Focus On?
Our experiences in life impact the way we look at things, what matters to us and how we approach life. It’s part of the reason there can be strength in diversity. When a diverse group of people work towards a common goal, amazing things can be accomplished. If you want to accomplish things that matter, your what you focus on will be critical. That’s what we’ll look at this weekend: developing the necessary perspective.
From Pain To Purpose
If we put ourselves in the sandals of Jesus’s friends, Easter week would be a whirlwind of emotions. They’ve experienced their friend and mentor, whom they believe to be the Messiah, experience what would seem like the highest of highs on Palm Sunday followed by the lowest of lows at the crucifixion. In between those two events, a variety of things happened, including a mutual friend turning on them for money. The one whom they were following was dead. Imagine the pain and confusion they felt. What was next for them? We’ll explore that on Easter morning and we’ll see what it means for us.
Preparing For Your Purpose
Chances are you have things you have thought about doing. Some of you are likely dreamers with so many ideas that those close to you roll their eyes when you utter the words, “I’ve got an idea.” Maybe you wonder if God might be leading you to do something. This weekend we’re going look at the example Nehemiah models of going from idea to implementation to reality. (And talk about how you can apply it to your life.)
Get To Work
Chances are you have things you have thought about doing. Some of you are likely dreamers with so many ideas that those close to you roll their eyes when you utter the words, “I’ve got an idea.” Maybe you wonder if God might be leading you to do something. This weekend we’re going look at the example Nehemiah models of going from idea to implementation to reality. (And talk about how you can apply it to your life.)
Keep Going
It’s exciting to know your purpose, dreams, and goals…and then go after them. However, not everyone around you will be as excited about your purpose, dreams and goals as you are. This week we are continuing our series in Nehemiah. We will continue exploring the idea of living with purpose with discussion about what you do when you experience opposition to your purpose, dreams and goals. We hope you can join us!
A God Thing
Each of us have dreams or goals we were created for. For some of us, parenting is a big part of that. God desires to do amazing things with us and through us as people (and parents). Along the way, however we face a variety of opposition (we talked about this some last week) and things that will distract us from our God-given purpose(s). This week we are wrapping up our Nehemiah series with a look at what Nehemiah faced in an effort to distract him from the purpose he was created for to see what we can learn and apply to our own lives.