A Strong Base
If you have been in the upper midwest part of the United States, you have likely seen the large wind turbines used to generate energy. Some are 295’ tall, nearly as tall as the Statue of Liberty. To support them a base as wide as 68’ is needed at a depth of more than 11’. This is a lot of concrete, but it makes sense. No one wants these giant windmills falling over. What we value, what we build off of, needs to be solid as well. This is what we are talking about this weekend.
Too Good Not To Share
You have had some great things happen in your life. We are in graduation season when students are graduation from schools of many kinds: High School, University, Tech School, Grad School, etc. You’ve likely been invited to celebrate with someone or seen the celebrations on social media. When great things happen, we want others to know about it. This weekend during the Breakfast Church service, Miles Davenport will talk about something amazing he experienced and how he is sharing it with his community in Iowa. Not only is it an incredible story, but there is something for you take from it as well. Hopefully you can join us.
Copy Cat
Oscar Wilde once said, “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...” Flattery can make a person feel good, but is there any value in it? At the same time, do we want others to copy us, to imitate us. It’s likely we only want people to imitate the good stuff. If you have kids, you’ve likely experienced one of those moments when your kids say in public something you said in private and wouldn’t want repeated. Or you’ve heard someone say, they are a mini version of you. Or someone tells you your kids do something just like you. In those moments we cringe. This week we are going to talk about how we can leverage imitation for the good of ourselves and others as we continue talking about core values.
Faith Impacting Community
We’re continuing to look at the Core Values of The Rescue Church, why we have them and if they really matter. Are these things that simply make us feel good or are they truly important for the lives we live today? The question has been asked of church leaders, “If your church was to close its doors today, would your community notice?” The idea this person was conveying is that the local church truly should make an impact on a community. It shouldn’t only be about the people who are part of that local church. Is that idea biblical and what could it mean to us and our communities? This is what we are talking about this weekend.
We Care for Each Other
In the book Strengths Finder, Tom Rath explores the idea of discovering one’s strengths and developing them. This week we are going to explore an area that has been a strength within The Rescue Church at different periods of time, including recently. We’re going to look at how God can use this strength to make our lives better while impacting our communities for their good.