Why Give?
Whether it is a tithe or offering, we want you to know that your giving is going toward something that is priceless...changed lives!
God has always provided for the ministry of The Rescue Church through the sacrificial giving of generous people.
We believe giving should be done as an act of worship! ​
Tithe means 10%. In the Bible God challenges us to return 10% of all we make back to him through the local church. It's not because God needs your money. It's because he knows that when you get an accurate handle on money, money will not handle you. And you will find yourself in a place of blessing and abundance.
WHAT IS An offering?
An offering is any gift above your regular tithe. Whatever the amount of your offering, God will use it to advance his kingdom. Money represents so much of who are are and what we do. What we do with our money tells others who we are and what we do. When we give, we acknowledge the fact that God is in control of our lives.

A 12-step recovery ministry utilizing Celebrate Recovery material to help people experience freedoms from hurts, hang-ups, and habits through the healing power of Jesus!
Hope Recovery is open to everyone!

The Care House is a ministry of our Deeside, Jamaica campus. They currently feed people in their community once each month. The goal of The Care House is to feed people spiritually, emotionally, and physically. For more information visit The Care House.

Through Biblical coaching, New Haven Ministries - Flandreau Location - will offer help and insight in the areas including: marital relationships, addictions, family relationships, depression, divorce, stress, eating disorders, and much more.
For more information visit